Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012


On the 25th of may, on my way to Falk’s studio, we're we make experiments
since 2005, i've got the idea for a new project name and content based description.
The origin idea comes from the funny project-name we had in our list
 for the techno-hardware-only-act, "the buam" - it’s bavarian for knave or boys.
But i thought about the similarity to the origin that’s not really what we doing
or by taking it as a funny parodic icon.

So on my walk trough Kreuzberg, i invented the acronym BUAM
for Basic Universal Artificial Methods, what seriously suits for our stuff.
The pronunciation depends on your speaking-skills, like we could say:
buäm, boum, boaum, buahm, etc...

The first step to create a little visual-identity was the logo
from Random-Identity. Thanks a lot! The next step is to edit,
cut, re-improvisate the "takes" we recorded the last year.
After that, we created a approx. 2 hour collagé, just to expand
the useless album-format, given from CD's or vinyl records.

In our session we had a strong focus on non-linear structures,
non-repetitive steps and loops we could morph, modulate and
change everytime. There is no musical attempt or principle
to put it into the avantgarde of sound or any like-a-like contest
for which so many people are standing for.
We call it demoniac or weird, noisy, odd, nervous, plenty,
obsessed, blended, squeezed, shattered, holded, wacky, groovy,
unexpectable, flushing, painful, lovely, dry, wet, sunny™

We’ve the perspective to play live in the same way we
improvisate, but there are a lot of setups to be made and
check-ins for locations for optimal solutions in the
ambience of room-structures and so on.

Love, Aki & Falk

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