Dienstag, 4. März 2014

A little update – Aki Mooney goes Videokunst

The good ol’ videoart comes back into the mind.
In the 80ties and 90ties, multimedia-art was big
and of course analogue as well.
Today, it’s a kind of strange why there is so less
mixture about music and video-art.
We speak of non-high-definition-video (NHDV®),
were the content is more important
than the look. So the objects or movements,
are converted by failures or glitches made from
transposition and layer-techniques.
« — »
Aki Mooney will release a fully-featured DVD,
with video based sound-sculptures in late 2014.
(these previews are only pre-sequenced material,
nothing to do with the forthcoming stuff)

best Aki! 

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